Course Proposals

To submit a course proposal, click the link Template: Course Proposal and select ‘Create a copy’ to create a copy of the template in your personal Google Drive. Once you’ve filled out your proposal and obtained the required signatures, submit the document to this Google Form. Any supplementary materials that you would like to include to support your proposal should be emailed to

A Course Proposal requires the following

  • Proposal: You must submit a course proposal and submit it to this Google Form.
  • Syllabus:  The GAAC reviews syllabi in order to maintain rigor of a graduate education. The list below summarizes the pieces that GAAC looks for on a graduate course syllabus.
    • Instructor name, contact information, office hours
    • Course number, title, and description
    • Learning objectives
    • List of texts, readings
    • List of assignments and abbreviated course outline/sample course schedule
    • Methods of evaluation and grading policy
    • Meeting dates and method of delivery
    • Accommodation statement
    • Academic honesty/integrity statement

The syllabus should explain how the course assignments will allow students to realize the course’s learning objectives.

  • Signatures: Please note any required signatures must be present on the document before you submit your proposal. Signatures indicate that the individual has reviewed the proposal, they do not necessarily indicate approval by the individual. Submitting the form creates another copy of your document, so signatures obtained after you use the submission link below will not be accessible to GAAC.